I Finished my Shirt about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and finally have time to post about it. I really enjoyed working on this top, and love the yarn. I don't think I would ever wear this without some kind of top underneath. As you can see in the pic below,the cuffs have a bit of floppage going on. The yarn doesn't have enough body for the weight of the buttons. I think I will re-do the cuffs and make it overlap (more like a waistband), and sew the buttons back on. Otherwise I will always be fiddling with the flopping cuffs.
On to the next project!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
It Is Done!!!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Almost finished
I posted pictures of my latest progress on my blog -http://norcalknitter.blogspot.com/. I had bought an extra ball of yarn and was still a few hundred yards short. I have 1 1/2 sleeve cuffs to go and I and FINISHED!!!!! THen on to the next sweater!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Now to start the back...
I am back from a fantastic 2-week vacation in Turkey. So I am picking up the sweater to start the back which I am kind of bored with already. But I will press on.
I was not able to stitch the hem as I went along on the 2 front pieces so will have to hem that at the end. My yarn got so tight, it was awful, so I gave up.
More later! Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Camp Shirt Progress
I am almost done with my second front piece. I wish I could keep myself from getting distracted with other projects! I am on vacation and should be home after July 8th. I only brought one other project to work on (we are doing alot of driving - and knitting helps the time go by), I am hoping to get all the main pieces done during our trip and be ready to block it and start assembling everything before I have to go back to work.
I will have some progress photos when I get back from vacation.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Two down, 4 pieces to go?
Yeah, I finished the right front and have a good start on the left front. I'm going on vacation in a few weeks and will be traveling by car, so I hope to get lots more done. It is so easy to get distracted on projects. I was cleaning a closet the other day and came across a few unfinished projects that need to get done, and a rectangular shawl that is never ending that will also be a good travel project. I am also fighting the urge to cast-on for a new project - I must finish a few things first!
Has anyone else done more than 2 pieces? I would love to see how everyone is doing.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hi all, I am new to the KAL.
I have finished the left front and have started the right front of the sweater. So far, so good. My only alteration to the pattern is that I could not sew the hem while I was knitting – it got way too tight – so I will so that at the end.
I am using Artful Yarns’ “Olympic.” It is viscose, cotton, and acrylic, and totally different from what the pattern looks like in Interweave! I hope the pictures convey how interesting the colors are – deep pinks, raspberry, coral, a little bit of white. My intention was to find yarn in a neutral beige or off-white, but when I saw this in the store I was intrigued.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Pattern Clarification
I finished the back of the shirt while on a recent trip to Texas. This picture is just a little over-exposed, but it is proof that I did it!
I started the right front and had an issue with the instructions, so I e-mailed Chrissy for clarification. In the pattern the magazine tells you to "begin working sl st at beg of WS row in St st, but continue to slip the first st of every RS row at front edge" after you have completed the hem and knit 2" from the fold line (end of side slits). According to Chrissy, you don't need to slip the first stitch of every WS row, only on the font band edge. This is consistent with the instructions for the back, where you only slip stitches while you are knitting the hem.
I'm glad I didn't go any further than that. The pattern really isn't too complicated, the most trying part is just working with the fine yarn. I think it will be worth it though!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Hello & Flickr Group Info
Good Morning Ladies!
First let me introduce myself. I am a 30 something wife and "Mom" to two English Springer Spaniels, Charlie (M) and Casey (F). I have been knitting since June '06. I have made a few sweaters, a few hats, and I'm still working on the one scarf - it's lace! I just worked my first short row heel this past weekend, so hopefully more socks will be in my future. I can be found on Ravelry here and here is my blog.
I have wanted to make this sweater/shirt ever since I saw the preview of the new Spring IK on their website. I recently purchased the yarn and am ready to get started soon. I currently have loads of WIPs, but I can always add just one more, right? LOL!
Next - Flickr Group Info:
Click here for the Auburn Camp Shirt Group. I set it up to be invitation only, so you will need to email me (rubysnpurlsATyahooDOTcom) for an invitation. Or if you're on Flickr, add me as one of your contacts and I can send you an invitation that way too.
I set it up as invitation only in hopes of keeping out spammers and sickos, but anyone can see the pictures we post there. There is also a discussion thread, but we should probably keep most of our discussions going, here on the blog.
Let me know if you have any questions. I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's progress so far. Happy Knitting!
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Hello - I'm new to the KAL. I've wanted to make this shirt since I saw it previewed on IK's website. I am substituting the fingering weight for this DK yarn:
It's elann.com Camila in Sky Blue (50% linen/50% cotton).
I have swatched (same yarn, different colour):
Pre-wash, the swatch measured 25 sts by 32 rows per 4". Post-wash, the swatch is 24 sts by 36 rows per 4". Obviously, I have some math ahead of me before I can cast on. I have to take into account not just the difference in stitch/row gauges but I need to factor in the >10% shrinkage. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Slow and steady progress
I have been fitting in a few rows of knitting in between taking business classes, working extra, and taking some spinning and fiber preparation classes out of town. I am now on the bodice increases on the back. I am still enjoying the Dawn yarn and am excited to see the finished project.
I will try to post pictures of my progress next week. I'm hoping to have more time toknit this weekend while we are on a roadtrip. I also hope to see pictures of other peoples progress soon.
Happy Knitting
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Are you having trouble posting?
If you are continuing to have any issues with not being able to post, please let me know and I will do my best to fix it. When I get an e-mail that someone would like to join, I send out an invite to join through blogger. If you haven't received a invite, you may need to check the filter on your mail - the invite may be seen as junk mail by your server. I've noticed that 2 people haven't accepted the invite to blog. If you are still interested, please let me know and I will send out the e-mail again.
I have been having fun working on my Auburn Camp Shirt. I started on the back, and got past the hem and had to rip out a bit. I think I am happier with how it turned out the second time. I have never done a hem like this where you knit the hem as you go. It sure is a nice finishing technique, and looks very smooth on the inside.
I have started the waist decreases and so far it is going smoothly. I would post more pictures, but I'm having a heck of a time with blogger, I keep getting a server error.
Friday, February 22, 2008
My Yarn Is Here!!
I just ordered my yarn last week, and it is here already. I'm glad it got here so quick, I have a long weekend - perfect for starting a new project. I was able to get gauge with the US size 3 needles. I decided to use my favorite brand, addi turbo circulars. The yarn is Naturally Dawn - 50%wool and 50% silk. The color is shade 9. In the top picture it looks black. The picture below more accurately represents the color.
I'm already worried about getting buttons that will look good with this yarn. There isn't much of a selection of buttons where I live, so I will probably have to find them online, or when I go out of town shopping. I think I'll probably look for abalone buttons. What do you think?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Looking Forward to Starting...
...but first I've got to buy some yarn! I'm pretty sure I'll be buying some Rowan 4-Ply Cotton in either Bloom or Blue Steel. Can't wait to order my yarn and cast on for this great sweater!
BTW, my name is Lisa, and my blog is here, and this is my first knitalong. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Anxious to start
I went to my LYS on Friday and ordered my yarn. Hopefully it will be here by next weekend so that I can get it started. I couldn't find anything in the store that was comparable to the Fiber Trend Dawn in fiber content and weight. I really wanted something with silk in it, I like the drape and shine that silk has. The color I chose is #13 - a med. dark blue. I think it will be pretty.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I have been following Chrissy Gardiner's blogs for several years, and have even done some pattern testing for her - though not as much as I would like! I was very happy for her when I noticed her first pattern published in Interweave Knits - Fall 2007 for the Snowflake Socks, and now she has 2 patterns in the current issue.
I fell in love with the Auburn Camp Shirt pattern when I saw the interesting collar treatment with the split collar in the back.
I also like the interesting cuffs with the buttons. What a great top for layering in the spring when the days are getting warmer, but there is still a little nip in the air.
I like the color that she used for the sample, but I am thinking of using a pastel or possibly a variegated yarn, although I think that might take away from the classic look of the design.
If anyone is interested in designing a button for the blog or if you are interested in joining the KAL, please e-mail me at norcalknitter@live.com.