Sunday, May 4, 2008


Hi all, I am new to the KAL.

I have finished the left front and have started the right front of the sweater. So far, so good. My only alteration to the pattern is that I could not sew the hem while I was knitting – it got way too tight – so I will so that at the end.

I am using Artful Yarns’ “Olympic.” It is viscose, cotton, and acrylic, and totally different from what the pattern looks like in Interweave! I hope the pictures convey how interesting the colors are – deep pinks, raspberry, coral, a little bit of white. My intention was to find yarn in a neutral beige or off-white, but when I saw this in the store I was intrigued.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pattern Clarification

I finished the back of the shirt while on a recent trip to Texas. This picture is just a little over-exposed, but it is proof that I did it!

I started the right front and had an issue with the instructions, so I e-mailed Chrissy for clarification. In the pattern the magazine tells you to "begin working sl st at beg of WS row in St st, but continue to slip the first st of every RS row at front edge" after you have completed the hem and knit 2" from the fold line (end of side slits). According to Chrissy, you don't need to slip the first stitch of every WS row, only on the font band edge. This is consistent with the instructions for the back, where you only slip stitches while you are knitting the hem.

Soooo, this is how far I got before I realized that those instructions just didn't make sense.

I'm glad I didn't go any further than that. The pattern really isn't too complicated, the most trying part is just working with the fine yarn. I think it will be worth it though!